Rick  Smith

Rick Smith



Rick, a native Michigander, relocated to Broward County, Florida, for a brief sabbatical to hone his skills. A multi-faceted professional, he wears various hats as an attorney, consultant, broker, and agent. 

Rick's extensive background in the entertainment industry spans over three decades, starting with his early days living in his college dorm with Aerosmith — which led to his first music business affiliation and management role. 

He has since represented a diverse roster of artists and bands, earning a reputation as a 'hit maker' with an untarnished record. Rick's expertise encompasses legal counsel, artist management, major label showcases, performance guidance, and licensing for film, television, and websites, leading him to establish Wild Just Music. 

However, his greatest strength lies in his ability to bring joy, recognition, and understanding to those around him. With Rick, the journey of buying or selling a home becomes an exciting adventure shared together, with his unwavering commitment to meeting your individual needs and remaining by your side throughout the entire process. 

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